Monday, October 10, 2011

Starting To Get Excited!

We had an ultrasound with my RE today. It started out a little nerve racking because we didn't see the heart beat at first. It took a few seconds, a little zoom, then we all breathed a sigh of relief, including my doctor. It was flickering away, she turned it on so we could hear it too, the most beautiful sound! The heart rate was 173, nice and strong. The baby measured 8 weeks 1 day, only 1 day shy of what I actually am.

I spent a good part of the afternoon on the phone coordinating things. I am now set up with my Maternal Fetal Medicine/Perinatologist. I go in for my first appointment with the nurse practitioner on October 19th. I'll also have an ultrasound that day. Only a little over a week to wait and see our baby again! I needed to get my records sent over from my different dr's offices. When I called my old OB's office, the receptionist knew who I was right away and she was so excited and happy for us. It makes me really miss them there. I was always in such great hands. I'm sure I'll like my new office too, it will just take a little time to warm up into it. She's going to gather the info for that I had at the interim OB for 1 appointment when we lost our little girl last year. I'm happy that I don't have to take care of that one too. I'll meet my new doctor on November 2nd and I'll also be setting up the NT scan when I meet with the NP.

Today I got my flu shot, I'm glad to have that taken care of. I was really worried about catching the flu while pregnant, with asthma. That could be really dangerous. The craziest thing happened last week. I was eating lunch and part of my molar broke and fell out! I went to the dentist and they put a temporary thing on it and said I could go ahead and get a crown with the okay from my RE (with a local). She told me to wait until the second trimester if at all possible, so that's what I'm doing. Hopefully the temporary seal will stay on until then.

So, I guess we are just here, growing a little human. I can't think of anything better to do with my time. I'm starting to get excited and think this is really going to happen this time! I hope the rest of this pregnancy goes smoothly.


Lindsey said...

Beautiful pic and good strong heartbeat! I also have my next US on the 19th, can't wait to hear that we both are officially graduated from our REs!

Tia said...

Congrats on a great appointment! I'm so glad to hear that everything seems to be going well.

LisaB said...

YAYYY I'm so so happy to see things are going well!!!!!!