Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Fetal Echo and Cervical Check

I completely forgot that I didn't update my blog - I blame pregnancy brain! My cervical check on Friday looked good. It's closed up nice and tight and is about 4.0cm, which is normal and about what it was two days before. It turns out our little guy had his foot and tushie pressed firmly against my cervix and bladder, which explains the cramps and pressure. We got some more photos and a third confirmation he's a boy. After that we had some time to waste, so we went and had breakfast in the hospital cafeteria.

The fetal echo also went wonderfully! We got called back to the ultrasound room by the head of obstetrics at the hospital. He, along with a pediatric cardiologist from Children's Hospital did the ultrasound. They told us they would be mumbling back and forth a lot throughout and not to let that worry us, that it didn't mean anything was wrong and they would let us know the results at the end. They were both very friendly and had fun joking around with us, which put my husband and I both at ease. They spent quite a bit of time checking out his heart, we got to watch and hear. After about 15-20 minutes, they turned on the lights and told us his heart looked as normal as they see on fetal echos. There could always be small holes that they don't see because they are looking through my stomach at something very small to begin with, but from what they can tell everything looks great. I asked if we would need another after he is born and he said we wouldn't unless the pediatrician at the hospital hears or notices anything abnormal.

This was such a big week for us and we are feeling very blessed to have received such wonderful news from his tests. It really feels like he's coming home with us in May!

Here are the pictures from our cervical check ultrasound (20 weeks 6 days). They are a little blurry because they are pictures of the pictures.

His profile

His Face (looking at us)

His Heart Rate (147 bpm)

It's A Boy! (although I think it's really hard to tell at this angle, she said it's up against his leg but she's still sure it's a boy)

I'm feeling a lot of movement now, which is really fun. It seems that each day his kicks and rolls get stronger. I'm still totally paranoid about preterm labor or my water breaking early. I thought I would relax after these tests, but I just moved on to the next thing to worry about. I don't have another OB appointment until January 26th, and I don't think we'll see him on ultrasound again until 30 weeks. That seems so far away since we have been having them so frequently up to this point. It's funny because with my daughter I had 2 in the very beginning with my RE, then waited until 21-22 weeks, then only had another one because we paid for a private one at 30ish weeks. I've gotten spoiled seeing our son so frequently!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yayyy!! Oh the pictures are sooo neat!