Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Let The Games Begin

We had our 28 week OB/MFM appointment yesterday. Baby boy seems to be doing well. His heart rate was in the 130s. I measured right on track. I gained more weight than I thought I had, although I shouldn't be too surprised with how I've been putting away the desserts. It wasn't enough weight for my doctor to bring up, and she actually talked about how thin I am when we discussed 3D ultrasounds and how that made me a better candidate for one. The nurse even complimented my bump and how perfect it is. I've also gotten a few random stranger comments about how I'm all belly. I just need to remind myself of those compliments when I step on the scale or look at my butt in the mirror. I had a small amount of sugar in my urine again, but she wasn't too concerned, just wants me to get my 4 hour glucose test in for the second time this pregnancy, so I scheduled it for next week. I'm craving sweets like crazy, so it would be difficult to hang up those hankerings if it comes back positive. She also did another cervix exam since I'm nervous about preterm labor. She said it's nice and closed and the baby is so high she couldn't even feel him. She doesn't anticipate me going into labor early.

I can hardly believe I have finally made it to the every two week appointment stage of the pregnancy! That makes it feel like we are getting super close to the end. We are getting ready to start the higher level of monitoring for the single umbilical artery. In two weeks I have an ultrasound to check growth, then in four weeks I'll start the twice per week NST's and they will check amniotic fluid levels once per week. It's also time to start kick counts twice per day. I officially started last night, although I had been starting to keep track a little bit a couple weeks ago. He has given me ten kicks within a few minutes both times so far. I think the last 2.5 months will fly, especially with all these appointments. I'm getting so excited!


Good Timing said...

Woohoo to 28 weeks and third trimester. That must feel pretty good. :) glad your appt went so well and that baby is doing good in there. Hope your GD test goes well next week, sounds like it could be close. I'm really missing having sweet things!! Boooooo! But it's all for a good cause. :)

meggola said...

Yay! I'm so glad to see that you're feeling excited! :)

K said...

Hi! Found your blog on the PAIL list as I was trying to find others with secondary RPL/infertility issues like me. Congrats on your 3rd tri and looking forward to following your blog!